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Clark's Video Blog

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Nov 21
Kelly Slater talks about Clark Little
World champion surfer Kelly Slater talks about Clark Little's photography in the new film SHOREBREAK: The Clark Little Story.
Nov 21
Jack Johnson on Clark Little
Musician Jack Johnson describes Clark Little's wave photography in the new film SHOREBREAK: The Clark Little Story.
Sep 20
Clark Little + Dragon Alliance Sunglasses
The new Clark Little / Dragon Sunglasses featuring "Down the Line".
Jul 22
Find Your Calling Shorebreak Premiere Spot
Behind the scenes at the Shorebreak Film premiere in Honolulu, Hawaii.
Jun 06
Film Trailer: SHOREBREAK: The Clark Little Story
Official release October 4, 2016. Trailer for new Clark Little documentary, Shorebreak: The Clark Little Story, filmed on the North Shore of Oahu, Hawaii. Includes a behind the scenes look, interviews and explanation of technique with Clark Little. Directed by Peter King. Releasing June 2016. Spe...
Apr 07
Two Sea Lions Cuddling in Galapagos Islands
Clark Little came across a group of sea lions relaxing and laying around in lawn chairs on the Galapagos Islands. One chair has two sea lions in it with their "arms" around each other. The video was captured at Puerto Ayora (Santa Cruz Island) which is just a 10 minute walk from the Charles Darwi...
Aug 15
Clark Little Event at Hurley | Nike SB Store
Clark Little event at Hurley | Nike SB Store in Irvine, California on August 16, 2015. Great turnout. Lots of fun!! Coast to coast tour of 18 events for 15 days through 7 states. Clark will be in California for events thru Monday, Aug 17 then to Hawaii for events on Aug 27-30, 2015.
Jun 18
Installation in Puka's at Whole Foods Kahala (Hawaii)
Clark Little mural installation of turtle and wave image "Ocean Eagle" mounted on individual lightboxes in Whole Foods Market bar/restaurant Puka's in Kahala, Hawaii.
Jul 20
PARCO JAPAN: Shibuya Solo Exhibition
Book and art signing at Clark Little solo exhibition "Waves of North Shore" at Shibuya Parco Gallery X in Tokyo, Japan. Exhibition runs July 11-22, 2014 in conjunction with Japan book release.
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